They are permanent aNd are call installations. The sculptorical plaZas would remain alive because their accumulative content would transform during the changes of temperatures. Therefore they would not be transferred content that becomes pernicious.  
The design would be given with the psychology of it  and then provided by the institutions. I visited a bronze casting art foundry in Manhattan and I work at Broadway as a diss dressing person (Means making clothes look emotionally after living situations). Evita.

todas as praças serão teatros de artes cênicas ar livre que ecoa é amigável com crianças. El desarrollo contenido va de la mano del primer teatro de las artes creado por mi hijo que contiene tanto al aire libre como de interior a la edad de 6 años, INvierno_2023. of things we do. Mar E morada de Sodade. 2o+1

Joâquin Torres 

Eugene, 23-24
Valencia Aug_24_Sept_/ 7. It is about 
finding loVe
Inner land of Europe, like Germany does not have water of the seas but it has women. And a man like me looked at them deliciously and they love it for at least 2 hours.  Sin cambiar de mesa.