
note tht aplies aL-    
Things that were done: In France at a church I step on and with the foot I mentioned they will learn if they like it they would be buried there. The learn better, the flowers of a bush I took off as a representation of angels and archangels so to the helmets to communicate rather than paladed and yes they communicated but they were not taking or buying. Later on in Eugene after a sequence of events i developed the arhangical instrument as to be part of my human Charriot that develops processes music as to play and as to develop a tone or activation code. As written in this kanhi jAde brown and developments. That green would have turn into brown and severity lucky has been transformed and was a process both and both. The aspect of whitE flowers is of my offspring. It contains the marTial arts weapon as described_ In the past on a practice of Chi-Gong-Yi I cleared my yang bands and something decided to leave only the yangs pernicious developed. That is an aspect like a spring sword or words or bad words that opens like an umbrella and works like that. And aspect that actives or not depending on.  it Is to marTial artists like the  teaching before. Minotaurs would develop like the males dn thee tone to carry on as would be part of_  The Kanji Jade BroWns made today_ the hiring me contains a canji practice to do with me and instructions of movement would be given then. 