I wrote to Apple. The customer assistant was excited and he said it can be new software!  It would be given with an instruction. _That was last fall and the time has passed. Like last year. There are offers that are limited in time. Aug_2_24. The opportunity has come and I will live it on.  Perhaps with the instruction you would receive the sequence. At a moment of my intuitive expressions, there was 1. 1 and 1, 1 1 and 0, there was 2 and 0....
Though when It was offered it was because it was stolen to do who knows what.  I wrote the instructions and I believe 102 and until here. Therefore the wants that did would be so like with leGo, block of clay tht I made to play and build.

from the collection of me_23 when I broke the rock tht was representing the pelvis and into broken dynamics though I used it to remark the garden from the neighbors.