Spring Summer 23 I was working out at the backyard with big stone. I was hitting the backyard the which I turned more yand by burring quartz crystals. A healing of the land with what I had from the prayers that were coming from everywhere and everyone with the water from who knows where. Rather than that black presence. As doing so I was processing 1 a recirculation of currents of the earth. 2 I was training that there is human body and there is earth so for a profile in life feelings are not to be use to create or to frustrate then earthquakes or Tsunamis etc. And earth element to move rather than creating a spring wood. Of course someone said that was violent and they took. Later on as I was traveling to NY on the train running in a different direction like an exercise that is not like one is on an electric stair or moving walkway I designed a satellitE and took the coding that they were using. Nowadays there's is internet and a website to reach out. A payment, a conversation, a method. . As to be taken from as it was a vibe that could have being healthy if the sale of me_23 had happened back then. The model I broke when I was in Eugene last fall. The consequence from taking that vibe is a mess up rings that may ran reverse or back and force. - still, they said, to important to be with woman like that, still and now is the beauty because one remains with is fire rather than the fire the put on hiM. Yes one knows and dont care if they are they are. A famous singer, or a bar attendant. And one said the salsa movements and tones are if one dances goes. oK. tHe vibe yes one knows era para un uso perfecto y adecuado de reformulaciones pEro, of course. iba con la venta de la colección antes de viajar a Francia - o a la tierra sin conocer la lengua - una cosa del estudio de la emotion con los alfabetos y el alfabeto Cirílico. Y ustedes sacando y tirando y poniendo mujeres más lejos para tener sexo con ellas. Y descartando la venta todavía o incluso for portraits e incluso de la collection portraets_ _ visiten Petitencias Y Acedurias Note -_______ deArs_ on a train Amtrak I was waking feeling the other direction like on ZB it was a methoafroara. Asi diseñe un satellite con papel y recogí de lo que ya robasTeis pues erais participes de los esos gentes. Luego en EuGene rompÍ el modeLo. sÏ así el otro día o otra semana la estrella mando a loS ladrones::: saben que enter las letras de los ladrones estan todos los echos y acedurias y asi vuelve en lugar reseguirsoportandoelloseunieronalaspereyades: Y asi ai estrellas y estrellas de drago dracos ytacoas: Tacos: